story introductions
七月颱,鬼門開。媽媽匆匆忙忙的帶著豆豆到基隆阿媽家。風雨中,豆豆覺得 這個台灣邊邊上的城市,好像隨時會被吹進海裡,而山崖上破舊的阿媽家一定是第一個滾下去的房子。
阿媽家後院裡破爛的儲藏室是阿媽不准他接近的禁地,裡面堆滿詭異的泡菜罐。阿媽再三警告豆豆不可以碰這些罐子。豆豆沒聽阿媽的話,自從他打開了一個貼了封條的罐子後,黑貓整個樣子就變了,原來他不小心解開了惡靈的封印 。
DouDou arrives at his grandma's in the midst of a typhoon that almost turns Taiwan upside down in the seventh lunar month.Grandma has a black cat that sleeps on the back of a white dog all day long. She specifically tells him not to touch the pickle urns scattered everywhere in the yard. DouDou does it anyway and the black cat nearby is transformed completely. Grandma says the evil spirit she suppressed escaped. This evil, like DouDou who does not listen to her, is going to stop her from helping the ghosts return to hell. The purpose of the evil spirit is to collect these wondering souls to be his slaves.
One day, DouDou decides to run away from school and leave his grandma forever. The cat tells him that by applying Grandma's tear onto his eyelids, he will have the power to see the invisible friends. Grandma shed her tear when she sees DouDou safely at home. DouDou saves the tear and applies it on his eyelid.
Mother calls when it's almost the end of the ghost month and delivers the good news that she will soon come home with Dad. DouDou finds the Cat in a shipyard ruin that is occupied by all evil spirits. The gates of hell are closing. DouDou has to save his invisible friends from the evil spirit and he needs help from Grandma.
阿媽 Ama豆豆的外婆,面惡心善,平常除了賣魚丸也兼任道士。她的家裡收容了許多無處可去的孤魂野鬼。 Doudou’s grandma is a Taoist priest. She can communicate with gods and spirits. Though she acts all mean and difficult, she’s actually a softie on the inside and hosts stray ghosts who have nowhere to go at her house.
豆豆Doudou原本討厭阿媽的豆豆,在這個暑假掉進阿媽的魔法世界,交到陰陽兩界的好朋友,也和阿媽建立了濃濃的情感。 During this summer vacation, Doudou accidentally enters grandma’s magic world and makes friends both dead and alive. And through this experience, this grandma and grandson duo forms a long-lasting bond.
酷羅 Kulo阿媽家的小黑貓,因豆豆打破貼了封條的罐子後,被附身變成惡靈的傀儡。 The little black cat at grandma’s house. When Doudou accidentally breaks a sealed jar, an evil spirit escapes and possesses Kulo.
西羅 Shilo阿媽家的大白狗,常與酷羅一同行動,是阿媽的左右手。 The big white dog at grandmas’ house. He is usually seen with Kulo. He helps Ama with her Taoist priest duties.
小扁 Flat生前被輪胎壓過,外貌扁平狀的小蛇靈魂。最大的煩惱是中元普渡搶不到食物。 Flat’s biggest fear is not being able to get any food at Hungry Ghost Festival. Whale: A friend Doudou meets during his time at grandma’s. He can see a whale’s spirit, which is always at the beach by itself.
阿民 Ah Min豆豆在阿媽家生活期間認識的朋友,能看見一隻獨自待在海灘的鯨魚靈魂。 A friend Doudou meets during his time at grandma’s. He can see a whale’s spirit, which is always at the beach by itself.
APPLE一位抱著娃娃,因害怕面對牛頭馬面而不敢投胎的小女孩靈魂。 A little girl’s spirit who always carries a doll. She can’t reincarnate because she is afraid of Ox-Head and Horse-Face, who are the guardians of the underworld.